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Erasmus Days 2024 / BNI presente!

Andiamo per ordine. Partiamo con il programma della giornata di lancio:

DISCOVERING EU  @IIS LAZZARO SPALLANZANI – Via Solimei 23 – Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

8:30 Accoglienza e Saluti istituzionali

9:00 Erasmus Reporters from Ireland, France, Malta, Greece and Tenerife

9:30 Scavenger Hunt with Goose Chase

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Game Based Learning and Teacher Workshop with eTwinning Ambassador Carmen Guidetti

12:30 BNI eTwinning Challenge

Per iscrivere le tue classi all’Erasmus Day scarica la locandina dell’evento e scansiona il QR Code.

Veniamo alla challenge adesso…  La sfida “How can we all become more sustainable?” è rivolta a studenti e studentesse europee di età compresa tra i 14 e i 17 anni che desiderano mettersi alla prova con un’idea di economia circolare per la sostenibilità del pianeta. 

Accompagnatə dallo slogan “BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION, NOT PART OF THE POLLUTION”, ci sarà tempo fino al 31/03/2025 per presentare i progetti delle vostre classi.

Puoi trovare tutte le indicazioni per partecipare alla challenge all’interno di questa presentazione. 

English version

The October 15th, 2024, the IIS L.Spallanzani will celebrate the “Erasmusdays” at the institute’s venue and, on this occasion, will launch the challenge that has begun to take shape within the Brand New Inclusion project: EARTH DAY 2025 “HOW CAN WE ALL BECOME MORE SUSTAINABLE?”

Let’s go in order, starting with the launch day program:

8.30 Institutional welcome and greetings

9:00 Erasmus Reporters from Ireland, France, Malta, Greece and Tenerife

9:30 Scavenger Hunt with Goose Chase

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Game Based Learning and Teacher Workshop with eTwinning Ambassador Carmen Guidetti

12:30 BNI eTwinning Challenge

Let’s get to the challenge now… “How can we all become more sustainable?” is aimed at European students aged between 14 and 17 who wish to test themselves with an idea of ​​circular economy for the sustainability of the planet. Accompanied by the slogan “BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION, NOT PART OF THE POLLUTION”, there will be time until 03/31/2025 to present your class projects.


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